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  • 紙袋


  • 价目表
  • 数量 157gsm Art Paper
    1 Side Gloss Lamination (4C + 0C)
    PB01 PB02  PB03 PB04 PB05 PB06 PB07 PB08 PB09 PB10
    100 430.10 440.00 469.30 777.20 777.20 524.70 524.70 520.40 538.10 532.60
    200 479.10 493.70 527.90 914.00 914.00 566.60 566.60 551.20 604.90 573.90
    300 527.90 547.50 611.00 1065.60 1065.60 619.00 619.00 596.10 728.60 625.90
    400 576.80 615.80 699.00 1212.10 1212.10 694.10 694.10 651.20 864.20 691.40
    500 635.50 689.20 786.90 1358.80 1358.80 779.80 779.80 715.10 991.30 774.40
    1000 909.10 1050.90 1226.80 2170.10 2170.10 1163.80 1163.80 989.80 1666.90 1170.80
    2000 1627.60 1881.70 2219.00 3489.80 3489.80 2099.40 2099.40 1683.40 2781.00 2058.00
    3000 2248.30 2712.60 3207.20 4863.10 4863.10 3011.30 3011.30 2366.90 3879.80 2972.10
    4000 2795.80 3548.30 4193.60 6231.60 6231.60 3903.40 3903.40 2834.00 5032.10 3819.40
    5000 3440.80 4359.80 5102.60 7492.60 7492.60 4826.20 4826.20 3467.50 6066.80 4731.30
    6000 3988.30 5107.50 6070.30 8895.30 8895.30 5747.40 5747.40 3921.00 7229.70 5613.80
    7000 4633.40 5957.90 6994.10 10239.40 10239.40 6671.80 6671.80 4557.60 8341.50 6525.80
    8000 5175.90 6661.70 7908.10 11559.00 11559.00 7511.40 7511.40 5163.80 9453.70 7328.20
    9000 5796.60 7487.80 8836.60 12903.00 12903.00 8423.40 8423.40 5769.80 10589.60 8231.00
    10000 6344.10 8240.30 9765.30 14261.80 14261.80 9336.20 9336.20 6406.40 11612.10 9103.40

    数量 157gsm Art Paper
    1 Side Matt Lamination (4C + 0C)
    PB01 PB02 PB03 PB04 PB05 PB06 PB07 PB08 PB09 PB10
    100 444.80 454.60 483.90 791.80 791.80 524.70 524.70 520.40 538.10 532.60
    200 493.70 508.30 542.60 943.30 943.30 566.60 566.60 551.20 604.90 573.90
    300 542.60 562.10 630.50 1099.70 1099.70 619.00 619.00 596.10 728.60 625.90
    400 591.40 635.50 723.40 1261.10 1261.10 694.10 694.10 651.20 864.20 691.40
    500 650.10 713.60 816.30 1422.30 1422.30 779.80 779.80 715.10 991.30 774.40
    1000 938.50 1099.70 1290.30 2258.00 2258.00 1163.80 1163.80 989.80 1666.90 1170.80
    2000 1686.20 1979.50 2341.20 3665.70 3665.70 2099.40 2099.40 1683.40 2781.00 2058.00
    3000 2336.30 2859.20 3396.90 5127.00 5127.00 3011.30 3011.30 2366.90 3879.80 2972.10
    4000 2908.10 3709.70 4389.10 6583.50 6583.50 3903.40 3903.40 2834.00 5032.10 3819.40
    5000 3582.60 4555.30 5351.90 7932.50 7932.50 4826.20 4826.20 3467.50 6066.80 4731.30
    6000 4159.30 5342.10 6363.50 9428.00 9428.00 5747.40 5747.40 3921.00 7229.70 5613.80
    7000 4833.80 6231.60 7341.00 10850.30 10850.30 6671.80 6671.80 4557.60 8341.50 6525.80
    8000 5405.60 6974.50 8308.80 12262.80 12262.80 7511.40 7511.40 5163.80 9453.70 7328.20
    9000 6055.70 7839.60 9286.30 13685.00 13685.00 8423.40 8423.40 5769.80 10589.60 8231.00
    10000 6632.40 8631.30 10258.90 15141.60 15141.60 9336.20 9336.20 6406.40 11612.10 9103.40

    数量 157gsm Art Paper
    1 Side Matt Lamination + 1 Side Spot UV  (4C + 0C)
    PB01 PB02 PB03 PB04 PB05 PB06 PB07 PB08 PB09 PB10
    100 743.00 826.00 850.50 1437.00 1437.00 835.20 835.20 830.90 848.60 843.10
    200 791.80 874.90 909.10 1598.30 1598.30 877.10 877.10 861.70 915.40 884.40
    300 840.80 928.70 1022.50 1759.50 1759.50 929.50 929.50 906.60 1039.10 936.40
    400 889.50 1031.30 1158.40 1920.80 1920.80 1004.60 1004.60 961.70 1174.70 1001.90
    500 977.50 1090.00 1363.70 2082.10 2082.10 1090.30 1090.30 1025.60 1301.80 1084.90
    1000 1358.80 1622.80 1999.00 3030.30 3030.30 1474.30 1474.30 1300.30 2050.20 1481.30
    2000 2277.60 2771.30 3255.10 4965.80 4965.80 2571.30 2571.30 1993.90 3432.60 2520.10
    3000 3098.80 3871.00 4540.50 6955.00 6955.00 3661.60 3661.60 2750.20 4799.60 3607.90
    4000 3846.50 4887.50 5826.00 8939.30 8939.30 4732.10 4732.10 3306.80 6220.20 4628.70
    5000 4696.90 5962.80 7082.00 10816.10 10816.10 5833.40 5833.40 4029.70 7523.20 5714.20
    6000 5444.80 6994.10 8391.90 12839.50 12839.50 6933.00 6933.00 4572.60 8954.30 6770.30
    7000 6295.10 8113.30 9662.60 14794.50 14794.50 8035.80 8035.80 5298.70 10334.40 7855.80
    8000 7042.90 9090.80 10928.60 16730.00 16730.00 9053.80 9053.80 5994.30 11714.90 8831.80
    9000 7864.00 10195.30 12204.10 18689.80 18689.80 10144.30 10144.30 6689.60 13119.00 9908.20
    10000 8611.80 11216.90 13474.90 20664.40 20664.40 11235.50 11235.50 7415.80 14409.80 10954.20
  • 数量 210gsm Art Card
    1 Side Gloss Lamination (4C + 0C)
    PB01 PB02 PB03 PB04 PB05 PB06 PB07 PB08 PB09 PB10
    100 479.10 488.80 498.50 840.80 840.80 536.30 536.30 530.10 555.50 552.50
    200 537.70 547.50 576.80 1011.80 1011.80 585.90 585.90 564.80 633.90 603.80
    300 591.40 611.00 674.60 1192.60 1192.60 646.10 646.10 613.50 769.30 665.70
    400 650.10 694.00 777.20 1368.50 1368.50 732.80 732.80 672.60 922.20 744.10
    500 684.30 772.30 879.80 1544.60 1544.60 826.30 826.30 740.30 1061.00 842.10
    1000 997.10 1182.80 1393.00 2502.50 2502.50 1249.00 1249.00 1040.20 1794.70 1306.40
    2000 1700.90 2111.50 2512.30 4105.50 4105.50 2265.90 2265.90 1772.50 3030.80 2309.20
    3000 2424.30 3040.00 3577.80 5826.00 5826.00 3257.60 3257.60 2494.70 4249.30 3349.00
    4000 3069.40 3973.60 4721.30 7693.00 7693.00 4229.50 4229.50 3006.40 5521.20 4311.90
    5000 3822.00 4902.20 5786.80 9345.00 9345.00 5232.00 5232.00 3678.60 6675.60 5342.50
    6000 4467.30 5835.80 6842.50 11045.80 11045.80 6232.90 6232.90 4170.80 7958.00 6343.50
    7000 5200.30 6764.30 7917.80 12707.50 12707.50 7237.20 7237.20 4847.50 9189.50 7374.30
    8000 5845.60 7683.30 9042.00 14564.80 14564.80 8156.50 8156.50 5493.50 10421.40 8295.30
    9000 6568.80 8602.00 10107.40 16324.30 16324.30 9148.20 9148.20 6139.30 11676.90 9316.70
    10000 7233.50 9540.50 11241.30 18083.80 18083.80 10140.90 10140.90 6815.90 12819.10 10307.80

    数量 210gsm Art Card
    1 Side Matt Lamination (4C + 0C)
    PB01 PB02 PB03 PB04 PB05 PB06 PB07 PB08 PB09 PB10
    100 493.70 503.50 513.20 855.40 855.40 536.30 536.30 530.10 555.50 552.50
    200 552.30 562.10 591.40 1036.30 1036.30 585.90 585.90 564.80 633.90 603.80
    300 606.10 625.60 694.00 1226.80 1226.80 646.10 646.10 613.50 769.30 665.70
    400 664.80 713.60 801.60 1417.50 1417.50 732.80 732.80 672.60 922.20 744.10
    500 699.00 796.70 909.10 1608.00 1608.00 826.30 826.30 740.30 1061.00 842.10
    1000 1026.50 1231.80 1456.60 2629.60 2629.60 1249.00 1249.00 1040.20 1794.70 1306.40
    2000 1759.50 2209.30 2610.00 4291.30 4291.30 2265.90 2265.90 1772.50 3030.80 2309.20
    3000 2512.30 3186.80 3724.30 6099.60 6099.60 3257.60 3257.60 2494.70 4249.30 3349.00
    4000 3177.00 4144.60 4916.80 8074.30 8074.30 4229.50 4229.50 3006.40 5521.20 4311.90
    5000 3968.80 5102.60 6031.30 9814.10 9814.10 5232.00 5232.00 3678.60 6675.60 5342.50
    6000 4633.40 6070.30 7145.50 11612.80 11612.80 6232.90 6232.90 4170.80 7958.00 6343.50
    7000 5405.60 7038.00 8260.00 13411.30 13411.30 7237.20 7237.20 4847.50 9189.50 7374.30
    8000 6060.50 7996.10 9442.80 15346.80 15346.80 8156.50 8156.50 5493.50 10421.40 8295.30
    9000 6823.10 8963.80 10557.00 17145.40 17145.40 9148.20 9148.20 6139.30 11676.90 9316.70
    10000 7526.80 9931.50 11730.00 19061.30 19061.30 10140.90 10140.90 6815.90 12819.10 10307.80

    数量 210gsm Art Card
    1 Side Matt Lamination + 1 Side Spot UV  (4C + 0C)
    PB01 PB02 PB03 PB04 PB05 PB06 PB07 PB08 PB09 PB10
    100 791.80 870.10 884.70 1505.40 1505.40 846.80 846.80 840.60 866.00 863.00
    200 850.50 928.70 958.10 1696.00 1696.00 896.40 896.40 875.30 944.40 914.30
    300 904.20 992.20 1085.00 1886.60 1886.60 956.60 956.60 924.00 1079.80 976.20
    400 962.90 1104.60 1236.60 2077.20 2077.20 1043.30 1043.30 983.10 1232.70 1054.60
    500 1114.40 1270.80 1407.60 2277.60 2277.60 1136.80 1136.80 1050.80 1371.50 1152.60
    1000 1456.60 1857.30 2170.10 3509.30 3509.30 1559.50 1559.50 1350.70 2178.00 1616.90
    2000 2336.30 2942.30 3450.60 5659.80 5659.80 2737.80 2737.80 2083.00 3682.40 2805.50
    3000 3264.90 4144.60 4858.30 8035.10 8035.10 3907.90 3907.90 2878.00 5169.10 4035.90
    4000 4095.80 5327.50 6353.80 10566.80 10566.80 5058.20 5058.20 3479.20 6709.30 5189.40
    5000 5053.80 6520.00 7761.40 12873.80 12873.80 6239.20 6239.20 4240.80 8132.00 6410.60
    6000 5894.30 7722.30 9169.10 15239.30 15239.30 7418.50 7418.50 4822.40 9682.60 7602.30
    7000 6823.10 8924.60 10586.30 17595.00 17595.00 8601.20 8601.20 5588.60 11182.40 8823.60
    8000 7663.60 10117.20 12062.40 20097.50 20097.50 9698.90 9698.90 6324.00 12682.60 9935.30
    9000 8582.60 11319.60 13470.10 22453.30 22453.30 10869.10 10869.10 7059.10 14206.30 11147.30
    10000 9452.50 12512.00 14946.10 24945.80 24945.80 12040.20 12040.20 7825.30 15616.80 12329.00
  • 数量 250gsm 1side Coated Artcard
    1 Side Gloss Lamination (4C + 0C)
    100 555.70
    200 608.60
    300 672.10
    400 750.60
    500 849.70
    1000 1321.50
    2000 2336.20
    3000 3389.50
    4000 4364.20
    5000 5407.20
    6000 6420.70
    7000 7463.70
    8000 8397.10
    9000 9430.90
    10000 10434.30

    数量 250gsm 1side Coated Artcard
    1 Side Matt Lamination (4C + 0C)
    100 555.70
    200 608.60
    300 672.10
    400 750.60
    500 849.70
    1000 1321.50
    2000 2336.20
    3000 3389.50
    4000 4364.20
    5000 5407.20
    6000 6420.70
    7000 7463.70
    8000 8397.10
    9000 9430.90
    10000 10434.30

    数量 250gsm 1side Coated Artcard
    1 Side Matt Lamination + 1 Side Spot UV  (4C + 0C)
    100 866.20
    200 919.10
    300 982.60
    400 1061.10
    500 1160.20
    1000 1632.00
    2000 2823.50
    3000 4063.00
    4000 5223.80
    5000 6453.00
    6000 7652.60
    7000 8881.80
    8000 10001.30
    9000 11221.30
    10000 12410.90

Process Duration :
5 working days :
157gsm art paper + 1 side gloss lamination
157gsm art paper + 1 side matt lamination
157gsm art paper + 1 side matt lamination + 1 side spot uv
210gsm art card + 1 side gloss lamination
210gsm art card + 1 side matt lamination
210gsm art card + 1 side matt lamination + 1 side spot uv

** additional 2 working days :
For 5000pcs, 6000pcs, 7000pcs, 8000pcs, 9000pcs & 10000pcs

  • 产品详情


Size Options ttbg

( Height x Width x Gusset ) pic pic

Paper Material ttbg

pic 157gsm
Art Paper
pic 210gsm
Art Card
pic 250gsm
1 Side Coated
Art Card
Available only for PB11

Printed Colour
  pic 4 Colours Printing Paper Bag
Inner Side: White Colour
1 Side (4 Colours)
4C + 0C

Finishing ttbg

pic ✔ 1 Side Matt Lamination
pic ✔ 1 Side Gloss Lamination
pic ✔ 1 Side Spot UV +
1 Side Matt Lamination

Nylon Rope pic


  • 交货期
Production Lead Time

- 5 working days.

- Additional 2 working days for quantity above 5000
   pieces till 10,000 pieces.

btn-temp btn-order

Hunting line 03 9224 3300 Call 016 231 9300 / 010 288 8300

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Refer www.e-print.my for the updated price. In case there is any price conflict between the
printed catalog and the website, the website version shall prevail.